What is Sky Day Project?

Sky Day Project is a citizen art project for all ages in which people post sky photos from all over the world to show they care about our sky and want us to come together to protect it for the benefit of all. For Sky Day we installed Sky day project on the International Space Station. See the installation here. View Sky Day Project on any device at skydayproject.org . You can change the way the gallery looks too. So join in!  It's free and a great way to make YOUR voice heard while helping SkyDay build an amazing library of sky photos for a free educational platform all about climate and sky!  Want to take part as an individual? Cool! Upload your sky photos at Sky Day Project.org OR Tweet your photos with #SkyDayProject. Details here Got a school or group that wants it's own gallery in the mosaic?  Awesome!  Sign up for your free gallery here 

New toolkits to create your own Sky Day event! Sky Day Project for Middle Schools Sky Day Project for Elementary Schools

Sky Day Project FAQS

When did Sky Day Project begin?

We began Sky Day Project just before Sky Day 2017 (When is Sky Day?) and today the project is open to everyone 24/7. Day skies and night skies are being posted all the time. For Sky Day 2018 we had a three day event at Chicago’s Adler Planetarium, installations at art museums and science organizations all over the world and we even installed Sky Day Project on the International Space Station! See that installation here

Who is taking part?
Responsible individuals and educational organizations worldwide Partial list of participating organizations

Can we only take part on Sky Day ?
Sky Day Project is open all year round and you can take part any time.

When is Sky Day 2021?
September 24

Any rules for taking the sky photos?
Yes!  Make your photo ALL about the sky!  (Day skies, night skies, clouds, eclipses, moons.... and everything in between).  No people, lamp posts, mountains, horizons, trees ...you get the idea!  (See our video 'Easy Guidelines for taking Sky Day Project Sky Photos' —->)  Photos must be JPEG format

How do we view Sky Day Project and find our own gallery in it?
Sky Day Project is live and interactive at skydayproject.org.  New photos are arriving all the time.  Change how it looks by clicking on the 'Refine Gallery' button top left.  Find your group in the drop down menu. 

Our Organization
Artist Ben Whitehouse created SkyDay to bring people of all ages together to learn about our sky, how it functions and what it's vulnerabilities are and bring people together in a new spirit of ecological citizenship. He is joined in this effort by NASA astronaut and artist Nicole Stott, Northwestern University Climate Scientist Daniel Horton, University of Illinois Professor of Atmospheric Science and Coordinating Lead Author for the IPCC  (a panel that was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007!) Don Wuebbles and poet, performer and scientist Sam Illingworth.  With the input of talented artists, scientists, parents, educators, writers, child development experts and social scientists we are building SkyDay as an interactive educational platform to offer teachers, parents and kids imaginative lesson plans, inspiring ideas, great articles, innovative projects, forums for discussion and exciting opportunities for international collaboration. 

For pictures and inspiration please follow us on Instagram.  For news and Sky Day Project updates check us out on Twitter and Facebook.  

Sky Day Project is brought to you by Only One Sky, NFP