When is Sky Day?
This year Sky Day is September 27th but don’t let the date worry you! Everyday is a great day for a Sky Day and people are hosting Sky Days throughout the year. Get in touch with us at SkyDay - skydayproject.com - to learn how your community can have an awesome Sky Day!

What is Sky Day?
Sky Days are days to reflect on our own personal connection to climate and sky. A day to make art about it, do science about it and a day to take positive actions in the community. It has never been more important to care about our climate and sky.



Sky Day Project is a citizen artwork in which people all over the world use their creativity to show they care about our magnificent sky and want to come together across cultures and borders to protect it for the benefit of all. The artwork is interactive and full of interesting educational content. So Join in!. Sky Day Project has been exhibited at art museums, schools, planetariums and botanical gardens all over the world. We even installed Sky Day Project on the International Space Station!

Say it like you see it

Students respond to art about environment

This idea from John C. who teaches science to high schoolers. His students really enjoyed changing gears for a day and talking about art. Ask your students to search the web for art that deals with sky, climate change or the environment in some way. Then ask them to show a slide of it in class and talk about it for three minutes. How do you respond to it? No rules! And lots of appreciation for whatever they have to say.
This idea works just as well with old masters as it does with contemporary art.

Observation grid employed by Whitehouse for painting Watch a.jpg

A call to musicians and singers worldwide

‘Unclouded Day’. The New Trier Concert Choir directed by David S. Ladd. (2 min. 30s.)

Nothing moves us like music. So this Sky Day use your talents to celebrate our precious, dynamic sky and the way it connects us all as one global family.

Have a Sustainability Fair

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Calling all community leaders! Sky Days and Sky Day weekends are excellent times to hold a beautiful event. So bring your community together to talk about the importance climate and sky. And be sure to invite your local artists to take part. They care too :)

Shoot for the Moon

Learn how to take awesome night sky pictures using a DSLR camera!

Nick and Meredith of Chicago's great Adler Planetarium show you how to take awesome night sky photos using a DSLR camera! Upload YOURS to the Adler Planetarium Gallery in SkyDayProject!
We can't wait to see them! Music by the amazing Jim and the Povolos!

Express yourself
in a sky-ku

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While a poem cannot scrub away the pollution in our atmosphere no-one should underestimate the power of ideas. Sky-ku are inspired by haiku and are a beautiful way to express your thoughts and feelings about our amazing shared sky. Do you Sky-ku? Find out!  Learn more


Take a Sky Walk!

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Sometimes the simplest things mean the most. So maybe all you need to do is assemble students, friends and family and go for a walk together. Is there somewhere near you where you can share an awesome view of the sky? And while you do notice together how every day is a unique symphony of light and atmosphere unfolding right above our heads. Maybe ask the group to share a memory of when they once noticed the sky in some special way. Take a moment to reflect on how much we rely on our thin atmosphere functioning naturally every day. Doesn’t it only stand to reason we should take care of it for each other?



What does the sky mean to you?

Share your thoughts. The world needs to hear from you. #skydayproject