#ComeTogetherForClimate FAQS

What is #ComeTogetherForClimate?
#ComeTogetherForClimate is an international call to everyone to use their talents and vision to help bring us together on climate change.

Why is it important?
Scientists worldwide have been telling us the facts for years. There is no doubt that human activity is causing climate change and no doubt that the consequences to all of us will be disastrous if we don’t change our ways responsibly and immediately. But change is not coming quickly enough. Why? Because our conversation about it isn’t bringing us together and that is a massive problem because only together can we achieve positive outcomes. That’s why we are asking YOU to post an image or message designed to help us  #ComeTogetherForClimate.Our world needs to hear from you.

Is SkyDay or #ComeTogetherForClimate associated with any political group or party?

NO. We are not affiliated with ANY political group, organization, or lobbyist. We work for everyone.