Why Next Generation Science Standards?

It’s not just that Next Generation Science Standards are the adopted standards of Illinois. Simply put, NGSS is a better way to teach science. Instead of learning about science students learn by doing it. Guided by their teacher they ask questions, examine the latest data and come to conclusions about the facts. They then take actions that can help. Our unit on the RPB is an exemplary example of an NGGS unit and we plan on using it to help teachers understand how the instructional shifts of NGSS work. Learn more about NGSS

About Jesse Semeyn
Illinois Science Content Specialist and NGSS expert writer Jesse Semeyn wrote our unit. Writing high quality NGSS lessons requires real expertise which is why we asked Jesse and the Center for the Advancement and Support of Educational Initiatives for help. Jesse was appointed by Achieve to the Science Peer Review Panel - the panel tasked with evaluating NGSS lesson sequences and units.