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We are beginning with climate science for middle schools.

Dear Educator,

It has been widely reported that teachers seeking quality climate science curriculum often find propaganda instead. So our team of highly regarded climate scientists is partnering with educators and artists to create trustworthy middle school modules that integrate the most rigorous science with engaging outdoor service projects and citizen art elements. Our first modules will be based on the module used in this terrific study published by the highly regarded Nature Climate Change. The study showed that the right module not only ensures middle schoolers understand what is going on with climate and why they should care but, through parent engagement and the inter-generational learning that results, promotes increased climate concern among parents as well, even those predisposed not to care. So stay tuned!

Meanwhile if you are a Midwest middle school teacher interested in learning more and possibly even piloting our module in your classroom we would love to hear from you! Use the form below.


Ben Whitehouse
SkyDay ED

Our climate lessons will focus on these subject areas:

1.     Observations of climate change

2.    The underlying science of climate change

3.     Projections of climate change

4.     Changing trends in severe weather

5.     Changes in sea level

6.     The impacts of a changing climate on humans and ecosystems

7.     Reducing risks through adaptation

8.     Reducing risks through mitigation

We are currently hard at work creating our modules. So stay tuned! Meanwhile if you have an idea for a standards aligned curriculum piece we would love to hear from you! Together, let's build a library of valuable classroom resources designed to promote a new level of scientific understanding and ecological citizenship!