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When is Sky Day ?

Sky Day is celebrated worldwide on September 24, 2021. That’s when most people will be taking part.
But don’t let that worry you. If another day works better for you, go for it! After all, every day is a sky day!

What do we do ?

Sky Day is about celebrating the amazing natural resource that connects us all as one global family. So gather your students, family and friends and get out there! Experience our magnificent sky together. Observe it’s beautiful and dynamic changes. Make art about it. Look up and wonder. Talk about the science of how it functions and what it’s vulnerabilities are - or better yet do some science! How you celebrate Sky Day is up to you! Here are some of our suggestions:

Take part in Sky Day Project!

Sky Day Project is the citizen artwork in which people all over the world use their vision and creativity to show they care about our magnificent sky and want to come together across cultures and borders to protect it for the benefit of all. So join in!. Sky Day Project is exhibited at art museums, schools, planetariums and Gardens Botanical all over the world! We’ve even installed Sky Day Project on the International Space Station!

Organize a Sustainability Fair

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Calling all community leaders! Sky Days and Sky Day weekends are excellent times to hold a beautiful event. Organize a sustainability fair! Bring your community together to talk about the importance climate and sky. And make sure to invite your local artists to take part. It’s time to come together.

Write a sky-ku!

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While a poem cannot scrub away the pollution in our atmosphere no-one should underestimate the power of ideas. Sky-ku are inspired by haiku and are a beautiful way to express your thoughts and feelings about our amazing shared sky. Do you Sky-ku? Find out!  Learn more


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Take a hike!
Sometimes the simplest things mean the most so maybe all you need do is assemble friends and family and go for a walk together. Notice how every day is a unique symphony of light and atmosphere unfolding right above our heads. Take a moment to re-connect to our amazing sky and reflect together on how much we all rely on it functioning naturally every day. From every conceivable point of view it is amazingly unlikely we are here, together, able to share such experiences on a stunning planet we call home. Shouldn’t we do whatever it takes to make sure future generations thrive under our one, shared sky just as so many of us do today?